AHT10 Temperature & Humidity Sensor interfacing
with Arduino, Node MCU, ESP32 with LCD display
The minuscule sensor has a power supply range of 1.8-3.6V, but 3.3V is the recommended operating voltage
AHT10 is a digital temperature and humidity sensor is equipped with a newly designed ASIC, an improved MEMS semiconductor capacitive humidity sensing element and a standard on-chip temperature sensing element. It can output a calibrated digital signal in standard I2C format. This sensor has a built in 3.3 volt LDO on board.
Since this chip works at 3.3 volts logic level the sensor board has built in level shifter with resistance network connected to IC chip with six pins to provide two way level shifting for two pins viz SDA and SCL. With this in mind we can safely connect this sensor to Arduino board. AHT10 does not allow sharing of I2C bus. Since this sensor board has on board LDO you can connect 5 volts DC of Arduino to VCC and GND to ground of Arduino.
AHT10 Temperature & Humidity Sensor interfacing with Arduino:
This module has four Pins on it. VIN & GND are connected to 5 Volts DC and ground pins of Arduino. SCL (Clock) and SDA (Data) pins may be connected to Analog pins A4 and A5 as they are also capable of handling I2C communication.
Then there are two LEDs Green and Red and a Buzzer to be connected to Pin 2, Pin 3 and Pin 4 respectively. When the temperature or humidity crosses the limits set by us the Red LED and Buzzer will turn on. The Green LED will turn on as soon as Arduino is powered on.